
Chief Technology Officer

Lumar (formerly Deepcrawl)

Nov 2018 - Present

As the CTO of Lumar, I orchestrated a technological transformation that positioned the company at the forefront of web crawling innovations. By fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation, I led the team in adopting cutting-edge tools and methodologies. I successfully expanded Lumar's web crawling capabilities, ensuring scalability and efficiency. My leadership and strategic vision were instrumental in increasing our annual revenue tenfold, growing our engineering team, and navigating two successful investment rounds, reflecting both my technical acumen and business strategy expertise. I successfully represented the business during several investment rounds, cumulatively valued at $30 million, overseeing all facets of technical due diligence, technology strategy, and the software development life cycle (SDLC).

In my tenure at Lumar, I have relentlessly focused on tech strategy and innovation, fostering a team culture centered around sustainable growth and high morale. Through the modernization of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) with the implementation of Infrastructure as Code (IaC), I have guided autonomous teams to achieve SOC2 accreditation, significantly accelerating the software development process and ensuring high test coverage.

My leadership expanded the engineering team from a group of 6 to a robust assembly of 30 highly skilled individuals, cultivating a collaborative environment that emphasizes technical excellence. This environment nurtured the creation of the world's most potent and extendable web crawler, further diversifying Lumar's service offerings across various web intelligence domains. Under my stewardship, we achieved a remarkable 10 fold increase in Lumar's annual recurring revenue, and still growing. My strategic vision and business acumen have been instrumental in navigating two successful funding rounds, securing a total investment of $30M.

Engaging effectively with boards, investors, and clients, I have played a pivotal role in investment rounds and due diligence processes, leveraging my technical expertise and strategic insights to foster strong relations and ensuring compliance and security through refined processes.

I have deep experience with a broad stack including, but not limited to EMR, Athena, Presto, Glue, and DynamoDb, and proficiency in software such as Node.js, TypeScript, and Scala. My skill set extends to Product Vision, Investor Relations, Public Speaking, and Development Strategy, coupled with expertise in GraphQL, Engineering Leadership, Change Management, and Technical Leadership. I am also well-versed in Apollo GraphQL, Big Data, Serverless Computing, AWS, TensorFlow, Deep Learning, and Domain-Driven Design (DDD), showcasing a substantial foundation in various critical areas that drive the tech industry today.