The TypeScript code defines two classes, Approach1 and Approach2, both implementing the IApproach interface, which takes IParams as input and returns IOutput. Another class, ServiceThatCombines, also implements IApproach, utilizing a map to dynamically choose between Approach1 and Approach2 based on the type parameter in IParams to execute the do method, facilitating a strategy pattern to determine the approach at runtime.
const enum ApproachTypes {
Approach1 = "Approach1",
Approach2 = "Approach2"
interface IParams {
foo: string;
bar: string;
type: ApproachTypes;
interface IOutput {
fooBar: string;
baz: number;
interface IApproach {
params: IParams;
do(): IOutput;
export class Approach1 implements IApproach {
constructor(public params: IParams) {}
public do(): IOutput {
return { baz: 10, fooBar: `${}${}` };
export class Approach2 implements IApproach {
constructor(public params: IParams) {}
public do(): IOutput {
return { baz: 20, fooBar: `${}${}` };
type Approaches = typeof Approach1 | typeof Approach2;
const approachesMapping = new Map<ApproachTypes, Approaches>([
[ApproachTypes.Approach1, Approach1],
[ApproachTypes.Approach2, Approach2]
export class SerivceThatCombines implements IApproach {
private mappings = approachesMapping;
private type = this.params.type;
constructor(public params: IParams) {}
public do(): IOutput {
const approach = this.mappings.get(this.type);
if (approach) {
return new approach(this.params).do();
throw new Error(`${this.type} is bollocks`);